Recently I was reminiscing on how Paul and I first met. I can still picture it perfectly, down to the spot we were standing and the shirt he was wearing. After spending the last twelve years together and enjoying our first six years of marriage, Paul and I are so excited to share the news…we’re expecting!

When is baby Ingles due?
We’ve learned so much over the last few months, like the fact that there are multiple ways to calculate a baby’s due date. One method predicts the due date as September 15, but the other predicts the due date as September 21. We’re okay with whenever he or she makes an arrival!
Are you going to find out the gender?
Initially, I was all for finding out the gender of our baby, as it is the one element of predictability during pregnancy! However, one of the things I love most about Paul is that he embraces taking the road less traveled and going against the grain. Naturally, he thought it would be fun to wait until birth to reveal the gender of our baby. After mulling it over for a few days, I was completely on board! It’s been fun to watch people’s reactions when we tell them we are waiting to find out the gender. Many others who have waited told us it was the best surprise they ever received!
Have you had any pregnancy food cravings?
I’ve actually had more food aversions than food cravings! In the first trimester, I was living on buttered toast, noodles, yogurt, and smoothies. Nothing sounded good and I had quite a bit of nausea, so bland was best.
Now that I’m in my second trimester, my nausea has subsided and I’m loving breakfast foods – oatmeal, eggs, bacon, pancakes, etc! I’ve also received my coffee taste buds back which is a blessing heading into a busy summer full of weddings. Typically I love ethnic food, but my two favorites, Thai and Mexican, have not sounded appealing at all!
What’s been the most exciting milestone so far?
I felt the baby kick during week 19, which was so exciting! Another fun moment was our 12 week ultrasound when we were able to see our baby for the first time. During the appointment, the tech said our baby is very active. She had to take a few breaks during the ultrasound because the baby was moving too much for her to get the measurements she needed!

How has it been photographing weddings while pregnant?
I have already photographed six weddings while pregnant and honestly, it feels the same! The adrenaline and time crunch of wedding days don’t leave much room to think of anything except getting the best photos possible for my couple and staying on schedule so the day runs smoothly. The only intentional difference is that I’m making sure to drink and snack often to help stay fueled during the day!
(You can view Megan & Andrew’s February wedding at the Henry Ford here, which is one of the weddings I photographed while pregnant!)
Moving forward, are you going to continue to photograph weddings?
Absolutely!!! I will be taking an eight-week maternity leave this fall, but I am actively booking weddings for the 2023 season. You can click here to learn more if you or someone you love is planning a wedding in 2023!
My passion for wedding photography stems from the joy, freedom, and friendship I’ve experienced in my own marriage. With each year we spend together, my appreciation for my husband and our marriage continues to grow, which further fuels my love for what I do!
There is something so special about seeing that same love and friendship that Paul and I share reflected in each of the couples I photograph. My favorite part of being a photographer is learning each couple’s unique love story and documenting that trust and friendship as it plays out organically on their wedding day!
Last but not least…three very important thank yous:
A massive thank you to all of my photography colleagues for their support, advice, and overall presence this year. It takes a village to raise a child AND to run a small business, and you all have stepped UP!
To our families, who have known this news for a few weeks and have been bursting at the seams to share, thank you for respecting our privacy and allowing us to share publically when we were ready.
Lastly, thank you to my clients. I am so grateful for your excitement and support as Paul and I enter this new season of life! I am always so grateful for every couple who chooses me to document their wedding day, but this season’s couples are really something special.
Signing off with excitement for all that 2022 holds!
Taylor Ingles

Congratulations!! So happy for you both ❤️🙏
Thank you so much Aunt Chris!!
We can’t wait for the family to grow!! I was going to say “love you both” but now I get to say “love all three of you!!”
Love you so much sis! Also…that is going to be such a weird thing to start saying! So many changes ahead 🙂
Nauseous, food aversions, active baby- it’s a girl! 😉
CONGRATULATIONS THIS IS FANTASTIC NEWS! I can’t wait to see the newest addition to the Ingles clan!
Ahh thanks so much Paige! So excited for YOUR exciting news this summer. Can’t wait to see what a beautiful bride you are on wedding day! Wish so badly we could be there!
Haha, considering you’ve had both a boy and a girl, this has some weight behind it!! Good to know!
Congratulations Taylor and Paul!! Looking forward to seeing you at the shower! Xoxo